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Capture it, play with it, and then turn it inwards to your advantage.”I sat there, looking at him. I imagined that his fingertips would be soft; he didn’t look like he had done a hard day’s work in his life. The newspaper had fallen out of my hands to rest on the bar. I picked up my drink and took a long hard squig of beer. The coffee had gone cold but I didn’t need it anymore, my body had been warmed through by his words.I bit my lip, I couldn’t counter his argument and I listened to him until such a time as I could correct him. My silence allowed him to proceed like it was a game, each statement allowed him to proceed to the next until he got something wrong.“I would also imagine,” he continued, “that you have sensitive skin.” That was par for the course, I thought, who doesn’t have sensitive skin.“And that your skin responds quickly to sensitive touches. Especially your small breasts, with their puffy pink nipples sitting atop them, that grow to be an inch long when aroused.”He. Next he went to work and talked to his boss and explained what had happened. Steve didn't want to quit working. He thought he would go crazy without any thing to do. They decided to have Steve step down to on call part time, but to still teach the rest of the basic EMT class that just started. Before he left, he made arrangements to have an employee of the year award set up with a Prize of one year's pay for the winner for field people only.Once he left, he found himself at the GM dealer. He wanted a new car. He found a fully loaded Yukon. As he was talking to the salesman he got the feeling he was not getting the best price. He concentrated on the salesman and for the first time he could read minds. Sure enough he was going to pay 3,000 dollars too much. So he reached out with his mind and instructed the salesman to sell the truck at cost. To Steve's surprised that is just what happened. Instead of saving just $3,000, he saved $6,500, Steve drove home in his new truck.Steve played.
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